في هذا الموضوع سنستعرض مجموعه من المواضيع التي تشمل تجميعه من اسئله الامتحانات الخاصه ب تخصص التكييف وال فير وهي كالاتي:
تحميل اسئلة واجوبة انترفيو التكييف Interview HVAC
- اسئلة انترفيو مهندس ميكانيكا MEP
- اسئلة انترفيو plumbing
- اسئلة انترفيو فاير فايتنج
- اسئلة انترفيو مهندس ميكانيكا تكييف
- اسئلة انترفيو مهندس مكافحة حريق
- كيف تصبح مهندس تكييف ناجح؟
- ما مميزات قسم تبريد وتكييف؟
- ما هو عمل مهندس التكييف؟
- اسئله انترفيو تبريد وتكييف حديث التخرج
- معلومات عامة عن التبريد والتكييف
امتحانات احدي شركات المقاولات السعوديه كانت عامله انترفيو فى مصر والامتحان عباره عن مجموعه من الاسئله فى الحريق و التكييف و أسئلة الحريق -:
Firefighting network questions :
1- Classify hazard degrees In buildings.
2- What are the common codes used for firefighting system ?
3- Brief the methods of firefighting in the buildings ?
4- Identify the "Fire Triangle" ?
5- Discuss the methods of installing Firefighting pipes ?
6- What is the maximum number of firefighting sprinklers In each branch ?
7- Identify the residual pressure and show its value
8- What is the maximum distance between the sprinklers according to the code for the light hazard and medium-hazard buildings ?
9- What is the minimum distance between the sprinklers ? and why ?
10- Shall we install automatic fire sprinklers in the balconies ? and why ?
11- What are the types of sprinklers ?
12- What is the average velocity used in the pipes calculations ?
13- What is the required pressure and flow at the firefighting boxes ?
14- Show the difference between the fire hose cabinet and the fire department connection ?
15- What is the required flow rate to calculate the fire pump in caseof the existence of fire hose cabinet and fire department connection ?
16- Mention the method of distribution of the fire hose cabinets ?
17- Identify the Siamese Connection and mention the considerations of its installation ?
18- What is the zone control valve ?
19- What does the zone control valve consist of ?
20- What is the required pressure test the firefighting network ?
21- What are the allowed pipes used for the firefighting network ?
22- Clarify the types of the firefighting pumps and how to conduct them with electricity ?
23- What is the usage of the Joky pump ?
24- Is It allowed to connect the following to the firefighting pump (Strainer - Over load) ?
25- What are the suggested Firefighting systems for the following (Diesel tank - hotel corridor - UPS room - main control room - hotel guest room - pump rooms - generator room - kitchen including hood )
26- Are you capable of making the firefighting network ?calculations? If so what programs do you use ?
27- When should we use C02 and FM200 as an automatic system ?
Drainage System questions :
1- Mention the types of the water closed chairs and the structural requirements for each ?
2- Mention the used systems in the drainage system and the .requirement of each system ?
3- What is the need of the ventilation in the drainage system ?
4- Where do we install the vent ?
5- What are the suitable diameters for the following ( sink- bede-chair ) ?
6- What are the types of the pipes used in the drainage system ?
7- What is the difference of usage between the following pipes (ductile iron pipes coated with epoxy and ductile iron pipes coated with cement )?
8- What is the number of the water buoys needed for two drainage pumps and what is the mechanism of the work ?
9- Are the following slopes accepted for the pipes
1- 75mm pipe 2% slope.
2- 110 mm pipe 2% slope.
3- 160 mm pipe 0.8% slope.
10- Which of the following pipes can be used with hot water and why ?
- PPR plain pipes
- PPR reinforced pipes
- CPVC pipes
- UPVC pipes
- Copper pipes
11- Which is better to be used with water networks (flat shape -valve or round shape valve) ?
12- Identify the pressure reducing valve ?
13- Identify the water hammer arrestor and the regulations of its installation ?
14- Identify the grace interceptor ?
A/C System Questions :
1- Are you capable of making the calculations of A/C system and which program do use Identify the dew point ?
2- Identify the relative humidity ?
3- Identify the dry temperature degree ?
4- Identify the wet temperature degree ?
5- Identify the humidity ratio ?
6- Identify Enthalpy ?
7- Sketch a simple condensing with specific enthalpy and pressure ?
8- Which of the following A/C systems is suitable for the down mentioned buildings
Package unit - Chilled water - VRV) — (hospital surgery department- hotel building - main control room - Kitchen ) ?
9- Compare between the package unit system and the chilled water system and mention the buildings in which we can use both of them and why ?
10- Identify the VRV system and mention the advantages and disadvantages of it ?
11- Mention the types of the compressors used in the A/C systems. And in which system we can use each one of them ?
12- Mention the required points that should be ready for the choice of the A/C unit ?
13- If we got the following results from the loading calculations (total load = 3.0 ton
Sensible load = 2.50 ton - CFM discharge = 1200 CFM), Which of the :? following unit should be used
Unit (1) - Total load = 2.5 ton - Sensible load = 2.5 ton - 1300 CFM Unit (2) - Total load = 3.5 ton - Sensible load = * ton - 1100 CFM Unit (3) - Total load = 3 ton - Sensible load = 2 ton - 1400 CF
14- Which of the following Ducts is more efficient and why? And what are its disadvantages?
1- 50x50
2- 20x125
15- Which of the following buildings need a larger A/C unit? (western side room with a pre-cast outer finishing) - (Southern side - room with a hollow blocks finishing ) ?
16- Northern side room with a glass outer finishing ( Mention the types of insulation for the pipes and what are the requirements to demand the insulation process ?
17- What are the required points to be ready for preparing the A/C grills ?
18- What are the required conditions distributing the feed fans and the exhaust fans on the deck ?
19- Why should we use primary pump and secondary pump in the chilled water system ?
20- When should we install the expansion tank in the cold water circle ?
21- What is the usage of the expansion tank in the cold water circle and the water feeding circle ?
22- What are the ways of reducing the vibration caused by the chillers on deck ?
23- What are the required dimensions when installing the following ?
- Interior A/C wall unit
- Exterior A/C unit
- Chiller on deck
- Flow meter
- Flow meter
24- Why it is always preferred to install balance and control valve at the chilled ?
25- water coil outlet and not at inlet?
26- What is the types of VAV? And when do we use each type? And what is sizing criteria?
27- Use psychometric chart to draw/explain thermal process for FAHU + heat
28- selecting the suitable insulation thickness in chilled water systems?
29- recovery wheel +cooling coil + horse shoe heat pipe ?
Use psychometric chart to draw/explain thermal process for FAHU + heat
30- What is meant by insulation critical radius? And how it would help in selecting the suitable insulation thickness in chilled water systems
31- (explain how to make section for (fans -grilles - diffusers
32- what is the different between primary and secondary puma and when cane we use one off them both